NOTE: These instructions apply to members with a subscription managed by Apple. If Defeat Diabetes or Google manages your subscription, please see instructions for cancelling via our website or cancelling via Google instead.
If you signed up for the Defeat Diabetes Program via App Store, you will need to follow these steps to cancel your subscription.
How to cancel your subscription on your iPhone or iPad
1. Open the settings tab
2. Tap your name
3. Tap subscriptions (refer to the image below)
4. Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
5. Tap "Cancel Free Trial" or "Cancel Subscription". You may need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription has already been cancelled.
NOTE: Once cancelled, you'll still have access to the Defeat Diabetes Program until your subscription period ends.
​How to cancel your subscription on your Mac
- Open the App Store app.
- Click your name. If you can't find your name, click Sign In.
- Click Account Settings.
- Scroll to Subscriptions, then click Manage (refer to the image below)
- Next to the subscription, click Edit.
- Click Cancel Subscription. If there's no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription has already been cancelled.
NOTE: Once cancelled, you'll still have access to the Defeat Diabetes Program until your subscription period ends.
How to cancel your subscription on your Windows PC​
- On your PC, open iTunes.
- From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account, then choose View My Account.
- Scroll to the Settings section. Next to Subscriptions, click Manage (refer to the image below).​
- Find the subscription that you want to cancel, then click Edit.
- Click Cancel Subscription. If there's no Cancel or Cancel Subscription button, the subscription has already been cancelled.
NOTE: Once cancelled, you'll still have access to the Defeat Diabetes Program until your subscription period ends.
Important: If you signed up to the Defeat Diabetes program after October 2022, your subscription is likely managed by Defeat Diabetes. If this applies to you, please follow these instructions to cancel via our website instead.
Important: Uninstalling the Defeat Diabetes app, does not automatically cancel your subscription. '
We encourage you to send any queries to our customer service team at or via live chat from Mondays to Fridays, 12 PM - 5 PM.
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