There is now a significant body of research that shows a low carb, healthy fat and protein diet can have a significant impact on those with type 2 diabetes.
The Defeat Diabetes way of eating can result in better glycaemic control, reduced medication use, weight loss and, in many cases, remission of type 2 diabetes (a recent study shows more than 50% of people on low carbohydrate diets reversed their type 2 diabetes).
Online programs similar to Defeat Diabetes have been established for several years in both the UK and the USA. The UK program has seen more than 450,000 people undertake a low carb program, with a study finding over a quarter of participants reduced their HbA1c to below the diabetes threshold, and 40% reduced their diabetes medications. In the USA, a similar remote care model has also proven to be successful, with 50% of participants in putting their diabetes into remission.
Our recent member survey showed that after just three months on the Defeat Diabetes program, 52 per cent of those with type 2 diabetes put their condition into remission and all others reported significant decreases in blood glucose levels.
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